Lyman's popular Expert Kit has always been the one kit with a complete selection of top quality equipment - including the Universal Case Trimmer. Now the Deluxe Expert Kit offers a digital scale. This is a truly complete selection of the best reloading tools in one package. Just add components and start loading your own high quality, custom ammunition. For powder handling, no other kit combines both a Digital Scale and Lyman's famous #55 Powder Measure. In addition, it is difficult to find another kit that includes any case trimmer, much less the efficient Universal Case Trimmer with 9 pilots. To complete the kit, all the accessories needed to add speed and versatility are included as is Lyman's 49th Edition Reloading Handbook.
- T-Mag II Press - Universal Trimmer with Expanded Pilot Multi-pack - 1000XP Digital Electronic Scale - #55 Powder Measure - Universal Priming Arm - Primer Tray - Auto Primer Feed - Extra Decapping Pins - 49th Edition Reloading Handbook - Primer Catcher - Deburring Tool - Powder Funnel - Quick Release Turret System (T-Mag Press only) - Case Lube Kit - 7/8" x 14 Adapter (mounts #55 powder measure in press turret)