SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate (6 lb)
Powerful granules kill bacteria and are extremely easy to use. No need to pretreat with bromide salts. No need to add oxidizers to activate it. This 'one-step' product is used as a regular sanitizer and as an oxidizer to rid spas of odors and undesirable compounds.
The strongest bacteria fighter with powerful granules that is extremely easy to use. Brominating Concentrate is applied in the correct amount while the pump is running. This "one-step" product is used as a regular sanitizer and as an oxidizer to rid the spa of odors and undesirable compounds.
One step fast dissolving brominating granules
Acts as a sanitizer and an oxidizer; no need for two products
May be added directly to spa, no predissolving needed
Product Information:
82.5% sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione
14.7% sodium bromide
pH 4.5
One step fast dissolving brominating granules
Acts as a sanitizer and an oxidizer
May be added directly to spa, no pre-dissolving needed.
For Routine Maintenance
Directions for use:
1. Apply 1 teaspoon per 200 gallons every 15-20 minutes to reach a bromine residual of 3-6 ppm
2. Test regularly to determine the frequency of additional doses of product
3. Add as needed to maintain 3-6 ppm.
For Super Oxidation:
1. Add 4 teaspoons per 200 gallons
2. May be needed nightly in a heavily used spa or as infrequently as once a week in a moderately used spa
For treatment of visible algae:
1. Brush spa surfaces
2. Start circulation system operating with out air injection (if possible)
3. Add 4 teaspoons of this product for each 200 gallons of water
4. Allow system to circulate for 15-20 minutes
5. Treatment may be repeated in 24 hours if algae are still present.